Neil Clark, an architect at Hecht Burdeshaw Architects, uses his lunch break on March 10 to ride his Trikke along the Riverwalk. Clark said he decided to buy one of the "three point carving vehicles" after he saw another person riding one downtown one day. "The closest thing I can describe it to is sking down a mountain," Clark said.

I was just returning from another assignment on March 13 and I got lucky enough to catch this hard working crew wrapping up their work on refurbishing the Eagle & Phenix Mills watertower.

Erick Talavera, 14, ollies onto a sewer cover along the downtown section of the Riverwalk during the afternoon of March 17. Talavera moved here only a few weeks ago from Atlanta and says he has already riden his skateboard for several miles of the Riverwalk. "You can go fishing, not just skating and the view is tight," Talavera said.

The moon rises behind someone meditating along the RiverWalk on the evening of March 18.