Well, I finally got back down the RiverWalk and I can't tell you how much it does for my soul. I love the community connection one can get if they come down here enough. You get all walks of life and people are usually pretty open to conversation. The peacful environment surely plays a large part in creating that mood. Here in this image Anna Davis, 7, and Teszai Munoz, 5 play in the water just below the falls on the Phenix City side just before sunset. I look at this image and I simply see the potential of the city and how great it could become. FYI: These kids are in 8 inches of water with a parent just outside my camera frame for those worried about their safety. And by no means should anyone swim in the river due to the dangerous currents and undertow.

I love the idea of shooting truly candid photographs where your subject doesn't know you're there. These images turn out to be less inhibited and less artificial. In the above, Cedric Davis, 5, right, and C. Jakes, 4, are just simply being boys near water. In the bottom photo, I really loved Teszai Munoz's body language below and how he was taking it all in.
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